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November 25, 2007
Gage was born at an early 23 weeks. He was a big boy for his age weighing 1 lbs 7 oz but was just not old enough to survive. His little heart was beating at 133 beats a minute and he held onto life for a short hour and a half.  We were able to hold him right away because we knew he would not be here long, and we showered him with kisses and love for as long as we could. Of course being his fathers son- he had an attitude right away and kicked the doctor as she was helping me deliever him. And now our little boy is gone to a much better place where he will not have to fight for life anymore. And I am certain that his Uncle Justin is taking the best care of him and giving him all the love he knows that his daddy and mommy could give him.
November 25, 2007
Passed away on November 25, 2007.
November 25, 2007
Born in Virginia on November 25, 2007.